Thursday, October 27, 2011

OCTOBER 27, 2011

First of all, let me explain why my blog goes from May to October in one swift kick ...

I was slammed with the editing of my new memoir, Different Strokes. This timely book follows my stroke, from TIA'S to full-blown stroke. It also tells the story of twenty other survivors, spouses and caregivers, hence the title! I wish I had this book after my stroke (as does my wife!!).

Okay, if you want to know what my wife Barbara and I decided, once the doctor stated that he'd have to admit me, you will have to read the book! This is not a copout, it's just that my life has changed and I have to start writing about these changes. You can buy Different Strokes at, as well as at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and booksellers everywhere.

I had this brain cramp that I couldn't shake —like ice cream on the brain. But once it subsided, I realized that I had to start a National Stroke Support Book Club (NSSBC): Affordable, easy-to-read titles, with larger lettering and inspiring stories ... Not too scientific, but emotional, real accounts, with uplifting stories of strength and accomplishment.

I am painstakingly calling every stroke coordinator and support group facilitator, coast-to-coast to share my vision for the fledgling NSSBC. In addition, I am asking group leaders to share their TOP 3 topics for meetings, so every group can benefit.