I managed to get myself home from Snowmass, as the migraine was subsiding. Things went back to "Life as usual," and I got back to routines. I figured the last headache was associated with a hard ski day and high altitude.
My sister visited from DC and we went skiing for a few days. I skied well and felt good. Back in Boulder, getting ready to head out to a dance party, I got another headache. Again, quick to come on, quick to subside, but this one came without an "aura." This visual aura has been a common thread for most of my life — a precursor to every migraine — so it was very strange to not have it.
I went dancing anyway, drank a glass of wine, and tried to relax. I got another headache the next day, but this time it was accompanied by tingling and numbness in my left arm. After much thought, I believed that the numbness was associated with, and possibly a result of, nerve damage from my shoulder dislocation months before, which was also in the left arm. I visited my acupuncturist and for the the next few days I was free of headaches and numbness. I figured that I'd found the key!
The following day I drove to Denver to pick up some shipping boxes for my on-line store (I am known as The Clothing Doctor in my other life), when my arm went numb again. This time I beat it against the side of the car to wake it up, but it wouldn't budge. I waited 10 minutes for it to subside and then I hit the highway for Boulder. It's a 30-minute drive to the exit, but after 45 minutes I was still driving. I pulled over to re-group and realized that I'd missed the exit a while back. I had the hardest time finding my way home and it took over 90 minutes to finally get there.
Steve - The Stroke Survivor